School Information
School Policies
Lost and Found Items
Please label jackets, coats, lunch pails, and all uniform sweaters/sweatshirts with your child’s name to ease the return of such items when “found”. A LOST and FOUND box/rack will be located inside the blue entry gates. Lost items, whose owners are unknown, will be placed in this area. Before school, at lunchtime and after school please feel free to check the rack/box for “lost” items.
Animals on Campus
All of our pets are cute, but pets do not belong at school. The exception would be if the pet ties into the activities taught in a classroom and arrangements have been made with the teacher for “sharing.”
Release of Children from School
No children will be permitted to leave the school grounds during school without parent or guardian permission. Parents will be expected to report in person to the school office to sign out children who need to leave school any time before the regular dismissal time. We urge you to make medical appointments after school hours to avoid interrupting your child’s instructional day.
School and Home Communications
Each Friday, during the school year, you should expect your child to bring home a WHITE ENVELOPE which contains notes from your child’s teacher, flyers, student work, etc.
To save paper, the school newsletter may be found on our website under school newsletter.
The LION’S ROAR is sent home each week to keep you informed about upcoming school and district events, dates to remember, reminders about school happenings and news about Los Alamitos’ very active, helpful and involved PTA.
Remove and review the items enclosed in the WHITE ENVELOPE and sign the front of the envelope, having your child return it to their teacher on Monday, to be refilled and sent home again on Friday. -
If you should notice any suspicious activity on school grounds when school is not in session, please call the police to make a report. School vandalism and burglary can be reduced or eliminated if neighbors near the school will report any suspicious circumstances whenever they occur.
It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children arrive at school on time every day. Any child who is tardy must report to the office for a pass before going to class. Tardy children should have a note from home stating the reason for the late arrival. We will be in close touch with parents of children who are regularly tardy in hopes of changing this unacceptable pattern.
Unsupervised Students Before/After school
- Supervision is not provided after-school in playground areas.
- Students are to be picked up when school ends. (2:06 pm)
- All students should wait for parents at the flag pole if the parent is late and not at the “prearranged meeting place” that you may have established by 2:10 p.m. Unsupervised children should not wait in playground areas or on the blacktop for their parents. There is NO supervision in these areas.
- Before school, all students should remain near their lines or sit at the tables in the picnic area. When the warning bells ring, all students should report to their class line. No children should be on play structures, at the ball wall, or at the basketball hoops.
Use of School Facilities During the School Day
First and foremost, Los Alamitos is a place of learning from 7:40 a.m. - 2:10 p.m. daily. Use of the playground equipment is not permitted during learning time by any children who are not involved with a structured classroom activity. There are legitimate liability issues related to the use of playground equipment by children under the age of 5 and by students who are not closely watched by parents. Please make use of nearby Jeffrey Fontana Park and Parma Park during the learning time so as to help us provide an atmosphere of undisturbed learning for our children.
Parent Conferences
Parent Conferences are scheduled in November. This conference provides the teacher with the opportunity to discuss individual student progress with parents and for parents and teachers to exchange information which should be helpful to the child’s learning. A second conference may be held in the spring for children who are being considered for retention, or who are not progressing satisfactorily. Your child’s teacher will contact you in writing to set up an appointment time for the conference. If you have some concerns before any of these conference times, feel free to contact your child’s teacher and set-up a time when you can discuss them.
Emergency Kits
Every school year, we ask parents to provide, in a large zip lock bag, an emergency kit for each child attending Los Alamitos. In the event of an emergency, your child will have these supplies until they can be picked up from school. These emergency kits are returned to you at the end of the school year so they can be reused every year. Please include the items listed below:
- Water in plastic bottle. Please do not include carbonated drinks or beverages in glass containers.
- A non-perishable food item requiring no refrigeration or heating.
- A small comfort item such as a stuffed animal, family picture, book, or personal note.
- Emergency Poncho
- Emergency Thermal Blanket
- Name tag with your child’s name, teacher,and room number written on it. Please use a 3"x5” index card and attach a safety pin to it.